Thursday, April 19, 2012

Q is for Query

Query letters and cover letters: those pesky one-page letters meant to summarize pages and pages of text in a way that is exciting, interesting, and enticing. These are the things that many writers dread the most.

Fortunately, there are a few of us who kind of like them.

I do query critiques here on the blog every Wednesday so if you have a picture book that's ready to go out, feel free to email me your query letter for a critique here on the blog. And in the meantime, I'm critiquing Rena Traxel's cover letter for her poetry submission over on her blog HERE.

If you're just getting started in the querying game, you might find this template helpful.

Happy Querying!


  1. Definitely going to check out your critiques. I'm a marketer, and I still hate these things!

  2. My A-Z was about QL's too. Well, I guess that's not so strange, since there aren't many Q words to chose from. I might have you crit my newest one. It's horrible, yet I can't quite put my finger on WHY! Pesky, indeed.

  3. Hi, I keep seeing blogs about "query letters" and never having to try to publish a book, I didn't understand what they were. I finally looked it up on the internet. Now I know. :)
    I reckon I could write one without any problem. Nice to meet you. Now I am writing a serialized mystery for my a to z challenge. I am being encouraged to publish it. So now I know what I would have to do. Good post. Best regards to you. Ruby aka Grammy

  4. To me query is a love/hate relationship especially at my work. Thanks for sharing.

  5. An excellent way to promote your service. I'm just about past the query process now. My publisher will look over any future books. First one out in two weeks, another to follow shortly. The first, Wind Over Troubled Waters, I wrote with Edith Parzefall--a perfect colaboration. Blog on!
