Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Winner of the Astonishingly Brilliant Query Critique Contest! And...Pictures!

Thank you to everyone who entered the Astonishingly Brilliant Query Critique Contest! I sincerely appreciate all your efforts to advertise my contest and send more people my way. And for those of you who didn't want to enter but just posted to say "hi" and tell me you think my blog and my contest are cool, thank you. All of you guys are pretty cool, too!

ANNNNNNNNND, after having my younger son choose one entry from the many that were thrown into the hat, I am pleased to announce that the winner of the contest is...


Wendy! YAY! (applause, applause)

Congratulations, Wendy! I'll email you to discuss the how and when of your prize.

AND FINALLY, I have a face! I have to apologize to those of you who have been longtime followers, because I know I promised you a headshot, and that is obviously not a headshot. But the headshot is my reward to myself for selling a book, and seriously, do you know how long it can take to sell a book? If it takes 6-8 months for the publishers to even get back to you, then that's...hmm...longer than it would take Greenland to melt, maybe. Okay, not really that long. But it feels like it! And I did not want to remain faceless for that long of a time. So, that lady up there in the corner? That's me. Thanks to my wonderful husband, who took that photo, and to my wonderful children, who tried to stop him.

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