My camera has died. So, no photos today. I'm sad, too. Hopefully, I'll have some for you on Thursday. In the meantime, you'll just have to keep guessing about what I did this past Saturday. (I know. I'm evil. You'll adjust.)
Instead, I wanted to share the news of a really cool event that some Canadian authors I know (and others I don't know) are participating in this week. It's called "Airlift to L.A.", and it's the brainchild of children's author Helaine Becker, who is working in conjunction with Access Books and four other authors (Rob Weston, Kari-Lynn Winters, Jill Murray, and Wendy Kitts - who has a picture book coming out soon with Nimbus Press) to bring hundreds of books to Bunche Elementary in the Compton Unified School District on October 2nd, 2010. (That's this Saturday, guys! And click those links back there to check out their author blogs and websites - pretty great stuff!)
Why Bunche Elementary? Because their library has about 3 books for every kid who attends the school. 3. A tiny fraction of what they should have. And 90 % of the kids who go to this school live at or below the poverty line, which means school is probably the only place they have access to books at all. Their library shelves are practically empty. Not only that, but these kids, who have so little and whose lives are so challenging, need books more than anyone - to escape the daily hardship they endure, to know that they are not alone, and to see that the world can hold more for them than this. I know this need. We can't ignore it.
So, what can you do? If you live in the L.A.area, you can volunteer to help paint the refurbished library and stack their new books on the shelves. Remember, that's THIS SATURDAY, October 2nd, at 9 AM.
If you're busy this weekend but live in the L.A. area, you can volunteer with Access Books (who provide books for dozens of impoverished schools in Southern California) and help with marketing, publicity, or a myriad of other things.
If you're nowhere near the L.A. area (like me), you can hold a book drive, donate books, or simply help out by donating some cash.
Just do something. Then, leave a comment about it. And spread the word!
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