Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wisdom on Wednesdays: Do It Now

My husband and I tried our hand at pursuing a business venture about a decade back.  Without going into the painful details, I'll just say that we sucked and leave it at that.  But despite our major suckage at trying to manage people and make money, we actually learned something!  And it's something that applies to life as well as writing and business management.  That little pearl of wisdom?

Do it now.

Those breakfast dishes you just created?  Do them now, not after they've sat in the sink for a few hours (or days).  That pile of crud your toddler leaves under the table after every meal?  Clean it up now, not after it's had time to dry to the floor.  The layer of dust you noticed coating the television when you went to check the weather?  Deal with it now.  That blog post you know you need to put together?  Do it now.  Got an idea for a picture book?  Write it down now, while it's fresh in your mind.  The schedule you've been meaning to write for yourself to keep yourself on-track and make sure you fit in writing time every day?  You're at the computer reading this; open up a spreadsheet and do it now.

When you go through your day, as you see things that need to be done, just do them.



  1. You are very correct. Just by getting up early you can get edge on everything without getting over on your fellowman. Just get after it.

  2. So true, Larry! The early bird does indeed get the worm.

  3. Great advice! I definitely suffer from the procrastination end of doing things. :o

    Just sending a friendly reminder to get your guest blog post to me today for tomorrow! Thanks! :D

  4. This is great advice. I need to add this to one of my presentations. I'll totally credit you, of course.

  5. Emily, I'm a procrastinator by nature, too. It's why this particular piece of advice really hit home for me.

    And Elana, WOW - you using my advice in a presentation? I am floored by the compliment.

  6. I'm definately a procrastinator of sorts. When I tell the kids to put the top with the ripped seam on the mending pile I hear "No! Not the mending pile!" There are baby clothes on my mending pile and my girls are all in high school:0)

  7. LOL Cinette! It's hard to fight against your nature, but in this case, it pays off in time and angst saved.

  8. Absolutely! When you don't, something unexpected will likely fall on your shoulders and then you'll be swamped with a backlog of work. Things will be overlooked. Deadlines missed. Quality abandoned. Free time decreased. Stress increased. And division officer breathing down your neck because he wants it all done right now. ***based on several true stories.

    I also wanted to tell you I'm sending you an award :) Check it out over here.

  9. Brilliant advice. Hmm.. I might go write up that post I need to write...NOW ;)

  10. Lynda, you go, girl. ;-)

    And Angela, you're giving me an AWARD? REALLY? My first blog award! I am just so thrilled, and honored, and...well...all I can think of to say is, Thank You!
