Monday, December 6, 2010

Silly Season

A writer-friend from Down Under mentioned last night that they call the holiday season "Silly Season," and it got me thinking: between Greeting Cards, Pot-Lucks, Shopping, Present-Wrapping, and the rest, there's not a lot of time left for writing.

I know that I don't have a lot of time for writing anything new; it's mostly revising and polishing the drafts I've completed, wrapping up the drafts I've started but not finished, and submitting (poems and Picture Books - NOT the NaNo project, people! For the love of print, DON'T SUB YOUR NANO PROJECT! At least, not until you've revised it first.). And if I still have time after I've done all that AND the present-wrapping AND the pre-houseguest home reno AND the card-writing and mailing AND the cleaning AND the baking, then maybe I'll work on some of my PiBo ideas. But it's not lookin' good, folks. It's not lookin' good.

How about you guys? How are you going to spend December?


  1. Revising the NaNo novel is EXACTLY what I have planned for December. Plus making gifts, baking, and making ornaments. Now...if I could just add a few more hours to that clock...


  2. I'm going to write some more in my NaNo novel. :P

  3. Not writing either unless it's at the very end of December. I think that's just the way life in general goes for me and most people I know in December. Not a whole lot of productivity.

  4. Revising my current ms and plotting my next which will be YA.
    Plus eating, wrapping, shopping, singing. :)
    December is the silly season!

  5. I've had such a hard time lately trying to fit anything in other than work, I'm not sure how I'll survive! Here's hoping I find enough time to grab a cheap bottle of wine, plunk myself down at my puter and write some blathering nonsense that looks like real writing. At least I'll have the wine to keep me company. ;)

  6. I'm revising two novels. I probably won't start a new project until I get these two books to the next draft.
